Border Controls in Sweden Prolonged until February

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In response to the immigration crisis, a year ago Sweden restored bordered controls. The aim of it is to increase the safety of the public, and apart from that other measures have been taken, such as changes in the general immigration policy and tighter requirements for asylum seekers. According to the latest estimates, the measures taken have limited the flow of immigrants from Northern Africa and Middle-East by more than 150,000 thousand; before bringing about the measures, the number oscillated around 160,000 thousand – at the moment is as low as 2,000.
In the statement by the Swedish government, we can hear that the rulers themselves see the potential danger in the immigration crisis. In other words, border controls are going to stay in force at least until February 4th, 2017. There is a possibility of prolonging them even further, and everything depends on Swedish government’s decision.Tightened procedures have caused an uproar in the transport environment, but not only they felt threatened by the new measures; they also affected the Swedes themselves and tourists visiting the country.
It is worth to note that the whole situation seems to exacerbate problems within Sweden itself. Many people have applied for compensation for prolonged travel time and for the fact that they forced them to resign from their work. Such actions could be a motor for the government to, in the future, decide against such measures.
The crisis itself started in year 2014, and it brought about mass numbers of refugees from Asia and Africa. The highest numbers of people arrive from the following countries: Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Mali, Gambia, and Nigeria. The main source of the crisis are: political and economic stability from the regions that refugees come from.
According to estimates for 2017, the immigrant numbers should plummet and start to fade away. It means that it is highly possible that in future, the rules and restrictions will most probably be repelled as time passes.